Friday, October 17, 2008

I feel like shet.

I feel... So sick... X.x *dies* Anyway... I've got such a frigging' major headache... And my tummy hurts, and so does my throat.... And I have so much hackin' homework because I took the day off yesterday. And so, I had makeup work, PLUS our regular shit-load of homework. And I got a headache..... AND, My mom's making me: Clean my room, clean my computer desk, AND my traditional-art-table.... So, to make myself feel a little better, I went outside for some fresh air, and ended up doing yardwork. And nowe I have to celan... So, this is just a quick blog, I'll do a little more later. Because I've got a lot to talk about. So yeah. So. STFU.

ALSO, I keep listining to Sandy (HAN0N1's) New fandub, Mou Hitotsu yo Birthday. Which is funny, because my Birthday is in 5 days. XD Anyway, it's for her friend, Rave.... But I'm in love with the lyrics. X.x Here, take a listen:

So, I'll blog more later, after I'm done with my retarded cleaning..... X.x

Ja nee~

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

W-Why did you say that...?, My birthday, Love-Love vs. Hate-Love?


Today, in art, Randy kept... like... Hurting himself. >.> He kept hitting himself with a ruler, ALMOST a pencil, but I took the pencil, anjd then he was going to use scissors if I didn't give hiom the pencil back, so I gave it badk >.>, running into walls, etc., on purpouse.

So, I finally snapped and went "STOP hurting yourself!! >.<" And he just said "Why do you care if I hurt myself?"

So... I wanted so badly to just say "Because I like you......"
But I couldn't I just stayed quiet for a while, and eventually he just forgot I asked him anything. I really wish I hade told him... It was the perfect opportunity! *sigh*


Is in exactly a week! <3 I can't wait~! I still need to plan my party, though. So, That won't be fun....


What do you think is better in anime? Love-Love or Hate-Love? I like both... And that's why Kiki 'n Kazune have a "love-hate" relashionship, so I get to draw both arguments and romance. XD (selfish little bitch~)

But I like it. :3

Monday, October 13, 2008

Opening, Fanart, Foreign Comments


I'm animating my opening, but it's a pain in the ass, because I'm lazy. =w= I've got 00:30 now... (30 seconds)


Alright... On... Thursday, I think, Marin23 posted a bulitain askin g if people had requests. Of COARSE I jumped on that oportunity. And, She finished it today~!!
I requested Kiki from Kirameki:

It's PERFECT, isn't it!?


First of all, I have nothing agaissnt foreingners. Ussually.

BUT, today, I check my comments to see what exactly?
So, I translated it, and it says:

"Really Shiiiiiiiiiitttttttyyyyy!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!11"
So that pissed me off. -.- Because it took me like 3-4 minutes to translate it, so I was pissed. So, I wrote this back:
Which tanslates to: "Well, Thank you for that totally NOT helpful comment. :3 Please leave now." And then I blocked them.

I'm not even gonna deleate it. XD hy bother? It was my fisr foreing comment, so I think I'll keep it. <3 As a momento to how annoying some people can be. XD

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Snow Flower

I just realized I havn't told you yet. ^-^

I'm doing a manga short called "Snow Flower".

It's about a girl named Yukina Kyuukei, who is sick and dyign, who knows she only has about a week left to live. She was born with the disease, so ever since she was little, she'd write the same wish, Over and over, and fold the paper into a star. She called them "Dream Stars". But, shewouldn't let anyone see her wish. She said her wish might come true if she wished the same wish 100 tines, and it would SURELY come true at 10,000. So, she reaches 21,342 stars, and her wish still hasn't come true. And this is when her doctors tell her she only has one week left to live. So she goes to a shrine, where the Miko explains Karma to her. The miko says that if Yukina does good things for others, her wish will come true. So, she decides to do the best she can to help everyone. This is where our story starts. Meiko Hoshii is just a regular student, waiting to cross an intersection.,.. Then, while the walk light is red, he sees a cat walk into the road, and a car is about to hit it. He screams "WATCH OUT!" And this is where Yukina comes in. She runs infront of the cat, inbetween it and the car, and she just holds her arms out, so the car stops. She saves the can, and Meiko wants to meet her and ask... Why did she risk her life for a cat? But, The light turns green, and people start pushing him. So, he needs to call out her name to get her attention, but he doesn't know it. Then, He notices she's wearing a white dress, which reminds him of snow, so he calls out "Snow!" (As in "YUKI!") Yukina turns around, and their little adventure starts. After learing about the stars, and her wish, Meiko decides that it is his job to figure out her wish, then make it come true. Only, She won't tell him the wish. Meanwhile, A little romance sparks between the two... So what happens when a devil will do anything to break them up?

What do you think of it? ^-^' I have 8 pages (including the cover) done.

Monday, October 6, 2008

*sigh* Randy....

I'm starting to like him more and more..... (Motto, ni motto!~! XD Sorry.) I don't really even know why I like him, I just do. I just.... Like him. DX I sound so lame and love-struck and helpless. DX But I just do!!

I'm hopping he's not seeing me as just a friend. It's always happened, with every guy I liked. (Except Gordon-kun.) I've been friends with them so long that they stop seeing me as a girl. I hope he doesn't just see me as a friend... Please, think of me as "Berri, the girl"!!!

Anyway.... I don't think he likes me, but there are little hints....
Like... (By the way, Adam is his best, BEST friend)

1. If anyone's bothering me, He just makes jokes abiut them and tries to make me laugh

2. Today, we were talking about umm... obesity, and Randy is styadning up infront of Adam, and Taia and I are sitting at the table behind Adam. Adam is facing me, Randy is facing Adam, and Taia is on my right. All of a sudden, Randy just points to Adam, then to Taia and was just like "You're fat, you're fat." So I was just like "What about me?" And he was like "*thinks* Not fat. At all." So that was.... XD Wow.

3. Adam kept sticking tape on my arms in art class (don't ask) and I was finnaly just like "Randy... Help please...." So he leaves, then gets this big-ass piece of tape, and shoves it on adams face, and just point to him and goes "OWNED." XDD

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My Birthday, My projects, and my Opening song.

My birthday is October 22. :3

MY KIRAMEKI OPENING SONG is...... *drumroll*

Kokoro no ato by Kosaka Riyu!!!
YAY!! Because, here's the lyrics in engish, and which character would be singing it:

Kiki is Pink.
Kazune is Blue.
Princess Kirameki is Green.
Kiki and Kirameki is Yellow.
Kiki and Kazune is Purple.

those words echo throughout the vast sky
those friends that wonder in time...
softly, softly sing.

who do you want to protect? what do you want?
something no one can see, something that is important, these precious days,
just like falling leaves
we meet tomorrow again, and again, and again.

I was bestowed with a long, long dream of flight.
tonight, i pray again with all my strengthing heart.
i hope that we will be able to walk together.

i want to be closer to you.
the future is very fickle.
this road, this place, and i we're always here.
leaving our footprints...

i will come see you when the time comes.

Heh heh! Whatcha think? :3 Anyway...

I'm talking about school art projects. XD

We have to paper-mache a bottle, and make it a slogan creature! Like Geico has the Gekco, etc.
But the teacher is giving us a random card with a product on it...

I NEED Shampoo!! So I can do "Shampoo's Shampoo"!!! What if I get cat food...? "Shampoo food"? XD XD XD Well, anyway, I need to print out the lyrics to Kokoro no Ato, and then I need to go take a shower, and then I'll blog a little more, Okay?